DFL Central Committee - Duluth 1 pm DECC

Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center (DECC). We have booked a bus to Duluth. The meeting starts at 1 pm and will probably last all afternoon. We hope to have at least 35 people go to Duluth. We can get a bus with a 54 person capacity. Bus will leave the Mall of America overflow lot at 9:00 am board at 8:45 am.
We intend to build support for a platform action agenda petition by collecting signatures to have a full vote at the next Central Committee meeting Feb. 2, 2013. The petition will be available on Dec 8 and it will be for the DFL platform to support legislation to stop the wolf hunt. This action agenda item wil automatically expire unless it is re-approved at the next state convention. That is why asking for a five year wait before a proposal for hunting will not make sense at this time. The Central Committee for the DFL has many potential political allies who can spread the word to and around legislators that the wolf hunt matters to members of the DFL party. The December DFL Central Committee meeting will give us a chance to show people our campaign has public support and is actively pursuing a stop to wolf hunting and trapping. We will gather petition signatures and collect names and contact information while we also hold a rally. It is important that we have a show of numbers. We plan on having members from the North Woods Wolf Alliance gather people to Duluth and possibly have a drum group too.
Write us at: Volunteer@howlingforwolves.org for a spot on the bus. There will be a minimum contribution of $20 for the round trip bus ride.