Vote Yes for the Wolf Rally- Robbinsdale, MN

2013-02-02 09:00

This is one of the TOP events you can attend for the wolf this year! Critical event for the wolf as the majority DFL  party sets their platform for this legislative session. DFL State Central Committee (SCC) will be meeting at Robbinsdale Middle School (3730 Toledo Ave. N. in Robbinsdale) on Saturday, February 2nd.  Rally will be from 9:00 am - 11:30 am. 


At this DFL Central Committee and business meeting a vote to adopt a resolution that the DFL adopt a platform agenda (action item) to support legislation to stop the wolf hunt. We encourage wolf supporters to attend. 

This event is on the same day as an important Bemidji event. We will need everyone who possibly can come out for wolves to do so. Also, given the recent illnesses; if you are able-bodied please come. Of course if you are ill, we understand and encourage you to take care of yourself. But we need a large show of support at both events and especially the DFL meeting.  When you ask for a vote, you ask because you think you can get a yes.  We must rally for the wolf and her pack. Please come and show your support. Wear your shirts and buttons and bring some signs. write Lisa for any questions at