Senate Committee Hearing On Wolf Bill

2013-03-14 12:00

Please update your calendars, the scheduled time for the Senate hearing on the wolf hunting moratorium bill (S.F. 666) has changed. The new date for the hearing is Thursday, March 14th at 12 pm, but be there early.

The hearing will take place in the State Capitol building, Room 107. To get to the hearing room, go in through the main Capitol entrance and go straight through the Rotunda, across the hallway and into the next corridor. Room 107 will be on the left side. Seating is limited so plan to arrive early to get your seat. We recommend arriving by 11:30 am. The committee meets from 12 pm until 2:30 pm and we anticipate the wolf will be given the majority of this time. Even if you can’t stay for the entire hearing, your presence is very important. A full room gets lawmakers attention. 

Wear your Howling For Wolves t-shirts and buttons. If you plan to attend and don’t have a t-shirt or button, please let us know so we can arrange to have one available for you on your arrival.

Email us at if you know you can attend or just show up. See below for the location and parking information.

Location Information
Room 107
Minnesota State Capitol 
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., 
St Paul, MN 55155
Click for map

Parking Information
There are several pay lots around the Capitol complex and some metered parking available on John Ireland Blvd, bring quarters (it’s $1.75/hr). Click here to view a map of parking lot options.

Click here for more ways to take action to help Minnesota Gray Wolves.