Wolf Watch - MN State Capitol

2014-05-06 09:30

When:     Tuesday May 6, 9:30 AM
Where:   Minnesota State Capitol, 75 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN  55155 (map)
Greet Minnesota leadership as they arrive for the day's legislative session. Stop the wolf hunt and enact meaningful wolf protections THIS SESSION! It's crunch time. Don't let the session end without action.

Meet us on the 2nd Floor of the Minnesota State Capitol, outside of the Senate Chambers. 

* Wear your Howling For Wolves' shirts, buttons
* Bring a sign, we won't have extras
* No signs attached to sticks, sticks are prohibited in capitol
* Signs should be respectful in language
* Signs can show images of trapped/snared wolves if you choose

If you plan to attend, let us know. Email: volunteer@howlingforwolves.org

If you can't make it, please contact state legislators by going to our Call Lawmakers tab at the top of this page. It's GO time. Save our wolves while there is still time left during the session.  The next hunt is scheduled for November 8, 2014.