HFW Live and Let Howl Rally

2014-11-08 12:00

When:  Saturday, November 8, 2014 - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: St. Paul, MN - Minnesota State Capitol (outside - immediately in front of capitol building)
Gather and Protest the MN Wolf Hunting and trapping Season with Howling For Wolves at our "Live and Let Howl" rally. Our "Live and Let Howl" campaign celebrates the wolf and all that the wolf brings to our humanity through their life and voice. Come and protest the 2014 wolf hunt as a very destructive action toward wolves. Hunting randomly takes the lives of wolves leaving the ones lucky enough to live through a lengthy rifle and trapping season with a stressful existence on many levels that starts with mourning their lost parent, mate or pack.  #LiveandLetHowl

Invite friends and family. All are welcome. Bring signs! If you can make an extra sign, please bring one to share with someone. Let our governor, state legislators and the DNR know that wolf hunting must end in our state. Enough is enough.  

Parking and Green Line light rail system stops, click here. Restrooms are located inside the capitol. Be sure to wear your Howling For Wolves' shirts and buttons.  Dress warm, this event is OUTSIDE!

For all the latest updates on this rally and the impending hunt, stay tune to HFW emails and follow us on Facebook at Howling For Wolves and on Twitter at Howling4Wolves. Questions? or to RSVP (encouraged), email us at: volunteer@howlingforwolves.org.  Code of conduct for rallies, click here.

FLYER, CLICK HERE -->  rally one page invitation PDF.

Duluth Rally - an additional Nov. 8th rally will be held in Duluth, 12-1 pm, on the corner of Lake Ave. and Superior St. in downtown near Canal Park. If you live near Duluth, please attend and support MN wolves. Thank you!