Complete the DNR’s survey on the draft Wolf Plan

Now easily email DNR at this link or take survey below before August 8 at 4:30 pm CDT:

Guide to completing the DNR’s survey on the draft Wolf Plan by August 8, 4:30pm CDT

This draft plan contains a possible wolf trophy hunting and trapping season. Appendix 2, lays out how the DNR will decide on a wolf hunting and trapping season. We oppose any wolf hunt. We also oppose the possibility of research that kills wolves to save moose. Out of state residents are welcome to comment!

We must oppose these parts of the plan before it becomes final!

How to use this guide:  The DNR public comment survey is burdensome. This guide is meant to make this comment process easier. The suggested responses can be edited to your own words. We understand that the format allows only 255 characters for comments. This is an unacceptable limitation. We request that wolf supporters fill out the DNR's survey because they will quote the results for years!

Tell them you are dissatisfied with any wolf killing for recreation and/or research.

You can review the draft wolf management plan here: and click on review the plan

**Prepare to complete the survey by saving our guide. We suggest you skim the answers because some are applicable throughout the survey. Our answer themes are repeated so you can make a variety of comments.

Sign-in and complete the comments to the DNR here: click on "comment on the draft plan"

**After completing the survey, you will receive a copy of your answers. Please email these to so we can have supporter feedback.

HFW's Survey guide with suggested answers and the DNR's commentary/questions repeated (including their questions on demographics)


This survey asks for your feedback on each of the sections of the plan specifically. If you would like to

make any comments about the plan as a whole, please make them here.

1. Do you have overall comments on the draft wolf plan? (255-character limit). HFW suggested answers:

  • I am glad this plan does not include an automatic wolf hunting season. This plan should not allow for wolf hunting at all. There is no legitimate, ethical, or scientific justification for a wolf trophy hunting and trapping season.
  • Allowing wolf hunting and trapping can destroy entire packs, creating unpredictable effects that include increasing predation on livestock and increased conflicts. Legal wolf killing has been shown to increase illegal killing.
  • Previous wolf hunting and trapping seasons were destructive. So many wolves were killed inside and outside the wolf hunt, including hundreds of pups. The wolf population dropped by an estimated 25% a year later.
  • This entire plan is based on the false belief that wolf killing can be controlled. An entire non-lethal plan is necessary and scientifically valid.
  • Minnesota can and should demonstrate that we can coexist with wolves with no state-sanctioned wolf killing. So that when wolves lose federal protections, we will have shown wolf killing is unnecessary and harmful.
  • Research on wolf killing to rescue another troubled species (like moose) is primitive science and unethical. The DNR should not have this as a possible action.

2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the draft wolf plan? HFW suggested answer:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied



The draft wolf plan articulates the following vision for wolves: Minnesota's wolf population will continue to be healthy, widespread across suitable range, and stable after decades of recovery from historical lows. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) supports the presence of a healthy wolf population in the state, where many Minnesotans appreciate wolves for their intrinsic value and for their ecosystem and social benefits. Wolves on the landscape also bring challenges and require collaborative solutions to address human-wolf conflicts. The best available ecological, social, and cultural knowledge will inform wolf conservation.

3. Do you have comments on the vision for wolves? (255-character limit). HFW suggested answers:

  • A “stable” wolf population isn’t a growing and thriving wolf population. The Minnesota wolves are supposed to spread to a larger range. I support a growing population.
  • I appreciate that the vision includes some of the many benefits wolves provide, including keeping our ecosystem healthy and biologically diverse. I appreciate that the vision recognizes the intrinsic value of wolves.
  • Re: collaborative solutions, I support use, promotion, and funding of nonlethal conflict prevention methods but not sterilization.
  • This vision assumes, in the first sentence, that wolves are “widespread across suitable range” ‘when we know it not to be true.
  • I like the fact that the DNR supports a healthy wolf population and the vast majority of people support wolves living free.
  • Wolves self-regulate their own populations. The Minnesota wolf plan should prioritize wolf stewardship and allow wolves to fill their ecological role, resulting in self-sustaining, self-regulating populations.
  • The vision should include the many challenges wolves face, including climate change, habitat loss, and wolf killing by people.



Following the vision for wolves, pages 7-27 of the plan cover foundation information to provide context for the remainder of the plan.

I. Introduction

1.  Vision for wolves

2. Plan purpose and structure

3. Plan context

4. Planning process

II. Background and current conditions

1. Minnesota's wolf population

2. Wolf management governance

3. Wolf hunting and trapping

4. Wolf depredation management

5. Wolf research and monitoring

III. Strategic issues

  1. Diverse and changing wildlife values
  2. Tribal wolf interests
  3. Resources to support Minnesota wolf management
  4. Wolf predation
  5. Wolf population objectives
  6. Wolf research and monitoring need

4. Do you have comments on the introductory content in the draft wolf plan? (255-character limit). HFW suggested answers:

  • The plan should be rooted in the best available science and traditional ecological knowledge, social values, and ethics.
  • This entire plan assumes wolf killing is controllable. Wolves are killed illegally and secretly. It is untraceable. To slow or stop wolf killing, the state must show there is no need to kill wolves. Legal wolf killing emboldens illegal wolf killing.
  • Deer hunters and livestock owners are a small segment of the population but they were surveyed separately in 2019-2020. But they were given equal weight to the much larger general population’s opinion. The DNR should answer to the entire state.
  • I agree that the plan is correct that mutualistic values, that is, wild animals are intrinsic to our state and deserving of co-existing with humans in Minnesota with minimal management intrusion.
  • The introductory content describes Minnesota's previous wolf trophy hunting and trapping seasons as “well-regulated.” The DNR is limited and cannot control wolf killing, and there is no scientific or ethical reason to hunt and/or trap wolves.



The goals in this plan are long-term, outcome-oriented purpose statements. Public input was instrumental in formulating these goals. Pages 21-29 of the plan include the following goals:

Goal 1. Maintain a well-connected and resilient wolf population

Goal 2. Collaborate with diverse partners to collectively support wolf plan implementation

Goal 3. Minimize and address human-wolf conflicts while recognizing diverse wolf values

Goal 4. Inform and engage the public about wolves in Minnesota and their conservation

Goal 5. Conduct research to inform wolf management

Goal 6. Administer the wolf program to fulfill agency responsibilities and public and partner needs


Below each of the goals, this plan lists objectives and strategies:

Objectives are activities or outputs that support plan goals that can be tracked to determine

progress through the life of the plan.

Strategies are specific, actionable statements describing how the DNR will achieve its goals and


Please refer to the draft plan in responding to the questions below on each of the plan's goals. There is no specific question about Goal 6 since it is internal agency focused.


5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Goal 1? HFW suggested answers: HFW suggested answers:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied

6. Do you have any comments about Goal 1? (255-character limit). HFW's suggested answers:

  • The 3,000-population number that requires them to be “managed” is arbitrary and unnecessary and not based in science or ethics.
  • If the goal is to have a resilient wolf population, having an arbitrary management number and possible wolf hunting season contradicts this goal.
  • Wolves self-regulate their own populations based on prey and habitat availability, as well as their own territorial and social nature. They do not need to be “managed” to arbitrary population objectives.

7. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Goal 2? HFW's suggested answers:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied


8. Do you have any comments about Goal 2? (255-character limit). HFW's suggested answers:

  • I appreciate the goal of collaborating with diverse partners, including sovereign tribal, institutional partners and NGOs. However, a resilient wolf species must be the primary goal rather than satisfying any one partner.


9. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Goal 3? HFW's suggested answers:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied

10. Do you have any comments about Goal 3? (255-character limit). HFW's suggested answers:

  • I appreciate the emphasis on the use of nonlethal conflict prevention methods. The best available science shows that nonlethal tools are the most effective means of preventing already rare conflicts.
  • Scientific research shows that killing wolves does little long-term to prevent additional conflicts between livestock and wolves, which are already rare. Killing wolves can increase conflicts by disrupting wolves' complex social structure.
  • Private wolf trappers should never be used to kill wolves in response to conflict.
  • I appreciate Objective 3C to provide the public with information about wolf conflicts and agency response in a transparent way. This should be done in a timely manner.
  • I’m glad Objective 3C contains transparency of funding. This is important, and should be done in a way that is both timely and informative.

11. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Goal 4? HFW's suggested answers:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied

12. Do you have any comments about Goal 4? (255-character limit). HFW's suggested answers:

  • Though I’m satisfied, the public should be involved about wolf monitoring, conservation, and management in a timely, transparent, and easily accessible manner.
  • Any efforts to engage wolf stakeholders should also include the wolf too!! And reflect the values of all Minnesotans, most of whom value wolves and do not want them trophy hunted or trapped.
  • It’s important for wolf safety that information about their location is not accessible to the general public on a real-time basis because there are those who want to harm the wolf.


13. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Goal 5? HFW's suggested answers:

a. Very satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Neutral

d. Dissatisfied

e. Very dissatisfied

14. Do you have any comments about Goal 5? (255-character limit). HFW's suggested answers:

  • I agree with sharing wolf information with the public and improving estimates of the wolf population. Handling wolves and attaching collars should be done only for necessary wolf protecting research.
  • Collars on wolves is concerning because of the higher mortality rate of those with collars vs. without. It should be done thoughtfully for limited time with auto-releases. Prioritize the use of cameras, scat and other non-invasive research tools.
  • I agree with research on nonlethal preventative methods.
  • I have concerns about Objective 5E. Wolves should not be killed in research on saving moose. Wolves are intelligent and social animals and should not be killed in research.


Below are repeated the DNR’s question to answers on your own.

15. How much of the draft plan did you read before beginning this questionnaire?

a. All

b. Most

c. Some

d. None


16. Did you participate in any of the input opportunities offered for this plan update? (Check all that apply.)

a. No/ I don't remember

b. I attended a virtual open house in September-October 2020

c. I completed an online questionnaire in September-November 2020

d. I participated on the Wolf Plan Advisory Committee or Wolf Technical Committee

e. Other (please specify)



Please answer these questions on your own, as they apply to you as an individual.

17. Which of the following represent your primary interests in wolf conservation and management?

(Check all that apply.)

a. Farming/ranching and livestock depredation

b. Impact of wolves on deer and deer hunting

c. Impact of wolves on moose and moose hunting

d. Wolf protection

e. Wolf hunting and trapping

f. Wolf depredation on pets and other domestic animals

g. Wolf ecology and research

h. Other (please specify)


18. Are you a Minnesota resident?

a. Yes

b. No


19. What is your gender identity?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Nonbinary

d. Prefer not to answer

e. Prefer to self-identify


20. What is your face/ethnicity?

a. White

b. Black or African American

c. Hispanic or Latino

d. American Indian or Alaska Native

e. Asian or Asian American

f. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

g. Prefer not to answer

h. Prefer to self-identify

HFW thinks there are  good aspects to this plan:
1. A wolf hunt isn’t automatically prescribed
2. Nonlethal wolf-livestock conflict prevention methods are emphasized
3. We believe the DNR plans to share more information with the public about wolves
4. The plan includes improving wolf population estimates
We oppose:
1. The plan outlines the possibility and potential of a wolf hunt and trapping season
2. Research utilizing the killing of wolves to save moose is included
3. Their stated goal is to have a “stable” wolf population, but it should be a growing and
thriving wolf population.
4. The primary benefit of this plan should be to protect wolves for future generations. Instead,
this plan focuses on what all subsets of the human population want including outsized
influence of hunters, trappers, and livestock producers.