March 14, 2013 -
Howling For Wolves
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (March 14, 2013) – Today, the Minnesota Senate Environment and Energy Policy committee approved S.F. 666, a bill that would reinstate a five-year wait on recreational wolf hunting and trapping. The bill has been referred to the Environment, Economic Development and Agriculture Division.
March 11, 2013 -
Howling For Wolves
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (March 11, 2013) – The majority of Minnesota voters want to reinstate a five-year waiting period before another wolf hunt is allowed, according to a recently conducted statewide poll by Lake Research Partners. In fact, two thirds (66%) of respondents believe that there is no need for a wolf hunt if Minnesotans already have the legal authority to kill a wolf if it threatens people, livestock, and property. Just 25% disagree, saying that a wolf hunt is still necessary.
March 4, 2013 -
Howling For Wolves
Today, legislation was introduced into the Minnesota State House of Representatives to reinstate a five-year moratorium on recreational wolf hunting and trapping. Chief house author, Rep. Jason Isaacson (DFL - Shoreview) introduced H.F. 1163, the companion bill for S.F. 666 introduced by Sen. Chris Eaton. The bill calls for a five-year wait before another wolf hunting season can be proposed, and only for population management purposes after other options are explored. H.F. 1163 is also signed by metro lawmakers Rep. Susan Allen (DFL – Minneapolis), Rep. Sandra Masin (DFL - Eagan), and Rep. Frank Hornstein (DFL – Minneapolis).
February 21, 2013 -
Howling For Wolves
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (February 21, 2013) – Today, legislation will be introduced into the Minnesota State Senate to reinstate a five-year moratorium on recreational wolf hunting and trapping. Chief author, Sen. Chris Eaton (DFL - Brooklyn Center), will introduce SF#666, co-authored by Minority Leader Sen. David Hann (R - Eden Prairie), Sen. David Senjem (R- Rochester), Sen. Terri Bonoff (DFL - Minnetonka), and Sen. Sandra Pappas (DFL - St. Paul). The bill calls for a five-year wait before another wolf hunting season can be proposed, and only for population management purposes after other options are explored.
December 21, 2012 -
Howling For Wolves
Boise, ID. Mato Woksape, Richard Wise Bear of Lakota, Blackfoot, and Potowatomi nations, leader of Oregon Autonomous A.I.M. chapter has been organizing, demonstrating, walking and praying to protect wolves and other wildlife in Idaho and around the globe for a year. This month, in solidarity with Howl Across America, Ravensong Group and the Northwoods Wolf Alliance, and Howling For Wolves, he will fast in front of the Idaho state capitol in Boise for four days in hopes of drawing attention and support to the need for reverence for the land and preservation of the ecology of the wolf and other wildlife.
November 9, 2012 -
Howling For Wolves
The White Earth Reservation Tribal Council recently issued a Proclamation providing for all lands within the exterior boundaries of the White Earth Reservation to be set aside as a wolf sanctuary. No hunting, trapping or possession of wolves is permitted within the exterior boundaries of the White Earth Reservation by any person, Indian or non-Indian.
November 4, 2012 -
Howling For Wolves
On Friday, October 5th, Maureen Hackett M.D. representing Holwing for Wolves participated in the Ethics Panel Discussion at the U of M Duluth. You can watch a recording of the 2 hour event below.