
June 16, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
The Senate Appropriations Committee voted June 16 on the FY 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill. The committee defeated Senator Udall's amendment to strip bad ESA riders from the bill.
May 17, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
The "repeal the wolf hunt" amendment to Game and Fish Bill failed in the MN house with 53 yeas to 73 Nays. The wolf had good advocacy by several house members.
Government trapping of wolves emboldens poachers, study finds. Blood does not buy goodwill: allowing culling increases poaching of a large carnivore.
May 11, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
EO Wilson Presentation: A Cleaner, Healthier, Richer America: Benefits of Biodiversity and the Endangered Species Act --- Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 1:30 – 2:30 PM, Capitol Visitor Center: Room SVC 212-10
April 2, 2016 - TakePart
Oregon Just Killed a Family of Wolves. OR-4, the alpha male of the Inmaha pack of wolves that lived in Eastern Oregon, before he was shot to death Thursday, along with his partner known as Limpy.
March 24, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
Press Release: Provision to require owner's permission to trap on private land approved on bipartisan vote. It’s reasonable ask of anyone setting traps to kill wildlife on someone else’s property.
March 23, 2016 - NNC video comment on Howling For Wolves 2016 Legislative Priorities announced during Wolf Day at the Capitol.
March 23, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
Press Release: Howling For Wolves announces 2016 Legislative Priorities, holds ‘Wolf Day 2016 at the Capitol’. Legislative priorities include removing the automatic wolf trophy hunt in MN law, trapping reforms.
March 11, 2016 - Chicago Tribune
Chicago Tribune Editorial: Federal legislation a threat to wolves and wilderness. The fate of the SHARE Act now rests with the U.S. Senate. Wolves, wilderness and the environment deserve better.
February 20, 2016 - Minneapolis Star Triubune
A coyote-hunting tournament in southwestern Minnesota, which is alleged to save birds, is drawing opposition from pro-animal activists. Howling For Wolves founder, Dr. Maureen Hackett, is quoted.
February 19, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
Today Howling For Wolves submitted an open letter to MN Governor Dayton asking to suspend Marshall, MN coyote killing contest. Over 166 thousand signed the petition opposing the killing contest.
January 20, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
Press Release: Statement from HFW on today's Senate committee amendment that removes wolves from the Endangered Species List in four states including Minnesota and prohibits courts from intervening
January 20, 2016 - Howling For Wolves
Senate amendment language that removes Gray Wolves from the Endangered Species List raises questions whether the provisions ordering Executive branch and preventing court review are even constitutional
December 23, 2015 - The Spokesman-Review
U.S. District Court Judge Robert Bryan of Tacoma has rejected plans by a federal agency, known as Wildlife Services, to assist in the killing of problem wolves in Washington.
December 16, 2015 - Howling For Wolves
Press Release: Wolf riders dropped from federal spending legislation. Policy riders included in previous versions would have removed wolves from the Endangered Species List and re-started wolf trophy hunting.
November 30, 2015 - Howling For Wolves
Updated: 70 scientists submit an open letter to government in opposition of delisting Great Lakes wolves from the Endangered Species Act.
November 22, 2015 - Our Issues Twin Cities
TV Channel CW23 "Our Issues" with Rana Kamul featured wolf hunting as part of a program focusing on the public's opposition to trophy hunting. Dr. Hackett was interviewed too.
November 20, 2015 - Star Tribune
Dr. Maureen Hackett says in the Star Tribune: In Minnesota, the wolf population is down to nearly 1988 levels. To ensure animal’s long-term survival, don’t revert to reckless trophy hunting in Minnesota.
November 18, 2015 - Howling For Wolves
Press Release: Howling For Wolves joins 150+ conservation groups, 92 U.S. House members, and 25 U.S. Senators to #VetoExtinction
November 13, 2015 - Howling For Wolves
25 US senators signed a letter to President Obama urging him to oppose appropriation bill riders intended to undermine the Endangered Species Act.


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