November 7, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
On November 7 Minnesota wolf supporters gathered with HFW to celebrate No Wolf Hunt 2015. Dr. Hackett VIDEO outlined HFW legislative and public outreach initiatives through this year, ongoing and planned for the future.
November 2, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Congresswoman Betty McCollum strongly supports efforts to strengthen our nation's wilderness. She continues to fight to ensure sound stewardship of wildlife populations and that includes the gray wolf too!
September 17, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Press Release: State commission decided not to consider the proposal for grant application that in partnership with livestock producers would research the best non-lethal practices for deterring wolves.
September 3, 2015 -
Journal of Ecology (via Wiley Online Library)
The 2013 Journal of Ecology study represents the first published evidence of a trophic cascade triggered by wolf recovery in the Great Lakes region (Wisconsin).
August 12, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Hear Howling For Wolves President Dr. Maureen Hackett comments on DNR 2014-2015 wolf population survey in CBS radio interview on John Hines Show hosted by Jearlyn Steele.
August 10, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Press Release: MN DNR releases 2014-2015 lower wolf population numbers based on wolf population survey, HFW very concerned about future of wolf population.
July 30, 2015 - Despite their remarkably similar appearance, the "golden jackals" of East Africa are actually a wolf subspecies - "golden wolves".
July 2, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Press Release: HFW joined wolf roundtable with Rep.McCollum at National Congress of American Indians conference, discussed recent USFWS denial of petition to list all gray wolves as threatened.
June 17, 2015 -
Star Tribune
"Senate, House Push to Remove Gray Wolves from Endangered Species List." We have seen that states did not have responsible plans in place when they had authority for wolves.
June 10, 2015 -
Congresswoman Betty McCollum
A powerful wolf advocate: Congresswoman Betty McCollum speaks out against a new bill rider that will delist wolves by congressional action. McCollum states this bill undermines the entire ESA.
April 26, 2015 -
The state of the Minnesota wolf is “threatened”, says HFW President Dr. Maureen Hackett in a thoughtful editorial published by INFORUM.
April 14, 2015 -
Lake County News Chronicle
Lake County News Chronicle: Dr. Maureen Hackett says killing wolves for domestic animal and pet deaths is flawed.
March 21, 2015 -
Star Tribune
The Star Tribune on March 21, 2015 featured an art show organized by Youth Art for Saving Minnesota Wolves and benefiting Howling For Wolves.
March 12, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Press Release: (St. Paul, Minn) – Howling For Wolves supports Sen. Al Franken’s (D-Minn.) effort seeking additional federal funding for programs that prevent wolf-livestock conflicts.
March 10, 2015 -
In These Times
Howling For Wolves President and Founder Dr. Maureen Hackett was recently highlighted in the article, “Do We Need Wolves?” in the March, 10 edition of In These Times magazine.
February 20, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
An open letter to Congress by 50 scientists urges Congress to oppose legislation that removes the gray wolf from Endangered Species Act protections.
February 12, 2015 -
Pioneer Press
HFW founder Dr. Maureen Hackett op-ed published by Pioneer Press approves the new Minnesota tourism campaign "Only in Minnesota" because our state's wolves never went extinct.
February 6, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
Press Release: HFW holds 2015 Wolf Day at the Capitol. Announces 2015 legislative agenda to eliminate snaring, strengthen private property rights for trapping, support funding for farmers wolf-livestock conflicts.
January 28, 2015 -
Star Tribune
HFW supports and signs petition to US Fish and Wildlife Service, filed by HSUS, asking to reclassify grey wolves under the Endangered Species Act at a reduced level of protection to avert congressional action.
HFW Petitions MN US Senators and Representatives to support threatened status for Great Lakes wolves
January 26, 2015 -
Howling For Wolves
HFW sent a petition to all MN US Senators and Representatives to support threatened status for Great Lakes wolves and asking to oppose bills attempting to exempt wolves from Endangered Species Act.