Today the MN State Senate debated and ultimately passed off the floor and into conference the Game and Fish Bill. Our thoughts and next course of action.
Today we met with representatives from the Governor's office to discuss the need to veto the wolf hunt.
The current Game and Fish bill with an immediate wolf hunt will go into law May 3, 2012 unless Governor Dayton acts with a line item vetoes for the wolf hunt. Please continue to spread the word and contact the Governor's office directly to say 'No' to a wolf hunt."
We are all deeply disappointed by the MN wolf hunt signed into law yesterday to start this fall 2012. We knew this would be nearly impossible to stop because of the misinformation and long-standing societal conceptions about the wolf.
Barry Babcock, environmental activist and wolf advocate from northern Minnesota, will speak about his experience with wolves, Native American spiritual beliefs in regard to the wolf, and the wolf's impact on ecosystems.
The wolf is a social and complex animal with so much more to give us by living and thriving ecologically than with its death and flesh. Just think about what we have already learned about our dogs from studying wolves.
Maureen Hackett appeared on the Green Power Hour on AM 950, Radio KTNF.
A must read, wonderful story about living with Camp Ripley, a 53,000 acre National Guard facility in Minnesota.
One of the biggest surprises has been the wolves’ remarkable tolerance for humans, despite truck traffic and loud artillery fire that frequently shakes buildings miles from the camp.
“Wolves didn’t care,” said David Mech, senior research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, who helped establish the program. “It was certainly contrary to what anyone would think.”
So why can't people be more tolerant of wolves? No small irony that wolves find sanctuary on a military base.
Minnesota wolf advocates will recognize our own Minnesota Deer Hunters Association's strategy in the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's campaign to demonize the wolf and dispense with science.
Will the bomb tick faster when we start killing off the coyote's only predator, the wolf? Isn't it time to insist that wildlife management practices consider the public health impact of their decisions?
Aaron Klemz contrasts the Minnesota wolf hunt/trap season with those in the West, pointing out that techniques used in MN are more liberal and brutal: the use of bait, electronic calls, snaring, leg hold and Conibear (body-gripping) traps.
One major error in Klemz's piece: the DNR is NOT required by law to have a wolf hunt!! The law stopped short of that requirement, stating the DNR "MAY" have a hunt. The law simply gives DNR the authority to have a hunt. In short, the DNR Commission Tom Landwehr CAN halt the hunt, as can Governor Dayton. Tell them, again, to stop the hunt
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (July 30, 2012) – The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is being asked to answer questions about how and why the Gray Wolf is being targeted for an open sport trapping and shooting season immediately after it was removed from protection under the federal Endangered Species Act. A Minnesota Government Data Practices Act was formally submitted to the DNR to understand how and why the State of Minnesota DNR breached its legal commitments to: (1) wait five years before considering proposing a wolf shooting and trapping season; and (2) that any shooting and trapping season would only be one option for “population management measures”, not just for sport. (Currently, lightened state laws already allow for more wolf killing if they are considered threatening to people, livestock, domestic animals, or pets.)
The WI wolf season, approved unanimously by the Natural Resources Board, is egregious in the extreme on many counts: high kill quota, night hunting, baiting, electronic calls, more. But the primitive cruelty of hunting wolves with dogs sets the stage for what dog expert Patricia McConnell says is "state sanctioned dog fighting". See Dane County Humane Society's statement, and expert testimony presented at the recent hearing.
Looks like we're ruffling some feathers! Expect the true reasons for the hunt to come out in the contentious weeks ahead.
Mr. Orrick believes: "There needs to be a reason not to allow the killing of a particular animal." Wow -it has come to this -needing a reason NOT to kill. We could of course give Mr. Orrick plenty of reasons, starting with it is just wrong. Then we could talk about how the wolf is a keystone species for the ecosystem. His reason? "The wolves have recovered. Thus, we can hunt them." THIS is what we're up against -keep fighting -we can stop the hunt! Please tell Mr. Orrick what you think by leaving a comment to his posting.
Howling for Wolves in the News! Let's stop the hunt, before the hunt. Please volunteer or donate this week!! Going to be a very exciting week for wolves - please join us!
DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr share his thoughts on the state's first wolf hunt. Read the full article here.
We are pleased to pick up a shout from a major outdoor/hunting magazine. Field & Stream suggests our organization's name needs a more serious moniker, and we appreciate the counsel. In naming our grassroots, pro-wolf group, we felt it was important to include the wolf's voice. And the wolf has enough "gravitas" for all of us, don't you agree?
"The public is speaking out. 79% oppose, say they oppose the hunt in the only public comment period allowed," says Howling for Wolves founder Maureen Hackett in an interview with WCCO.